Immune: A Sexy Urban Fantasy Mystery (Rylee Adamson # 2) Read online

Page 15

  That was not a good sign. And with each mile they drove in silence, the gap between them widened. He thought about her sweet pleas as she writhed underneath him, whispering his name as they clung to each other. Now, she wouldn’t even look at him.

  “If you’re going to yell at me, just do it. I know I was an ass.” He said, gritting his teeth as the admission fell from his lips.

  “Dox is one of my closest friends. I will damn well hug him if I want to.” She snapped, her eyes flashing as she pinned him to the seat with her gaze. “You think because we had sex, you have ultimate say in my life?” She rested her head in one hand. “Fuck, what was I thinking?”

  That stung.

  He took a slow breath, breathing in her scent, as if that alone could tell him what to say. She was hurt, and angry. A trickle of fear tickled his nose. Fear? How could he smell that?

  Swallowing hard, he said nothing, his own fear rising up around him like a fog. Agent Valley had been right; O’Shea should never have slept with Rylee. No, that was a lie—he’d do it again in an instant.

  “How’s the kid?”

  Rylee closed her eyes briefly. “Sleeping.”


  “Yeah, I know. Even drugged, I haven’t felt him even sort of wake up, not once.”

  Alex bounced in the back seat, and O’Shea gave him a frown. Slinking, the werewolf slumped into his seat. “No fairseezz.”

  Rylee turned in her seat. “What’s no fair?”

  Alex pointed at O’Shea. “Boss man.”

  She looked from the werewolf to O’Shea, then back again, her eyes taking in more than O’Shea was comfortable with. He wasn’t sure he knew what was going on; he sure as hell didn’t want her figuring it out first.

  “You want to tell me something,” she asked.

  This was it; this was the moment to tell her what he was afraid of, what he suspected had happened. She would understand, of all the people in his life, she would be the one to get it.

  He stared out at the landscape they were passing through, the snow sparkling in the sun.


  The slight grind of her teeth was the only thing that tipped him off. And how the hell could he hear that anyway, it was quieter than a mouse’s fart? Clamping down on the emotions that roared through him, he fought the fear. This was a battle that had nothing to do with her, and there was nothing she could do to help.

  So why did it feel like he was betraying her with his silence?


  North Dakota was socked in, the whole freaking state a complete white out. Apparently, it hadn’t been all my and the demon venom’s fault that winter had come early.

  As we drove into Bismarck, the feeling of Ricky in my head intensified, his heart beating steady and rhythmical. That, at least, was a good sign.

  “Where are we going first?” O’Shea asked. No longer was I thinking of him as Liam, the sweet, generous lover who’d watched over me in the sweat lodge. Nope, he was relegated back to being the asshole agent who stuck around just to watch me fail.

  Though I did have to give him a small amount of credit. One of the few things I could say I liked about the FBI agent at this moment was that he listened to me and followed my lead when it came to the supernatural. I had no doubt that would change once he got his legs under him in my world. But for now, it was super handy.

  “We go after Ricky. It’s been too long already and I’ve got most of the things we need in my bag. We’re only another ten minutes away.” I curled in my seat, focusing on the kid. I couldn’t believe with all the detours and time we’d had to take, we were still going to make it to him before that asshat of a Troll did anything. I had to believe that.

  “Do you have a plan?”

  Yeah, that was the sticky part of this. What O’Shea didn’t know, but would soon enough, was that Trolls rarely worked alone. Sure, I’d duped the dumb ass, one-eyed bastard before, but that had been only one. How the hell was I supposed to extricate a kid from a raging angry Troll, and all his friends?

  So I fudged. “Working on it.”

  O’Shea looked in the mirror, his eyes full of the disbelief I knew I deserved.


  Adamson was not a happy girl. The vibes rolling off her stated more than words and O’Shea knew it was his fault. He should have just told her what he suspected.

  Damn it, even now his mouth was all but glued shut.

  He kept his hands tight on the steering wheel, stalling his desire to reach over and touch her, assure himself she was still with him. That he hadn’t messed up so badly that they couldn’t come back from it.

  They came up to an intersection and he slowed down. “Adamson?”

  “Well, at least we’re in agreement on what we’re calling each other,” she muttered, probably thinking he couldn’t hear her. “Go straight,” she said, in a louder voice.

  He did as she said, ignoring the fact that the road he was going straight on was a one way. With the weather, there weren’t many people out on the roads anyway. He also ignored the fact that she apparently was not going to be calling him Liam anymore. Damn it all, how had he screwed this up so fast?

  Alex was surprisingly quiet, for which he was grateful. It was still hard to look at the werewolf and not think it was some costume and special effects makeup. Particularly now. He shivered to think of life stuck between two forms, forever a monster. A cold sweat broke out on his back.

  He slowed again as they came to the end of the one-way street. “Where to?”

  “Give me a second.”

  Watching her out the corner of his eye, he could admire the shape of her face, the intensity in her eyes. She was a woman worth fighting for, but he was fucking terrified of what was happening to him.

  Staring out into the dark night, she said, “He’s straight ahead of us.”

  All that was in front of them was a neon sign, half of the words missing. It should have been blinking ‘Blitz and Blue Tattoos.’ As it was, it said, ‘Bli . . . nd B. . . at . . . s.’

  “Blind Bats. Not great advertising,” O’Shea said, pulling the SUV over to the curb. He didn’t need to ask Rylee if she was sure. He knew her well enough to know better than to waste time.

  “Blind Bats is a Troll species, probably the best kind of code they could come up with. Trolls aren’t known for being particularly smart, or subtle.” She slipped a few more weapons into her jacket.

  “Anything I should know before we go in?” He unbuckled his seatbelt.

  There was silence for a moment, and then she leaned forward so her face was only inches from his. The swirl of her tri-coloured eyes hypnotized him, drew him in even closer.

  Her lips were moving, and he tried to put the words together. “You aren’t going to try and stop me? You aren’t going to go bananas if I use the illusion of sex to make them drop their guard?”

  “I can’t promise you that. But I will try . . . .” He was unable to stop his traitorous hand from tucking a strand of auburn hair behind one of her ears. “Best thing I can do is go in there with you and keep you alive.”

  Alex butted his head between them. “Me toooooooo!” His howl echoed in the car and they shushed him.

  O’Shea put his hands up, “Yes, you can keep her safe too!”

  The werewolf snorted and bobbed his head. “Yuppy doody, damn it.”

  Laughter spilled out of Rylee and O’Shea shook his head. Damn, she was beautiful, inside and out.

  He frowned. “I do need one thing from you, before we go in.”

  “What?” Her eyes were sharp as they assessed him. What had made him think he’d be able to keep a secret from her? But he had to try. Because if she knew what he suspected he was turning into, whatever they had might be over before it even began.


  O’Shea looked far too serious, though I suppose he was probably worried about fighting a school of Trolls. Yes, like fish. His eyes seemed to darken even more, if that was possible, then he leaned over and
planted his lips on mine, stealing any thoughts I would have of pulling back with his hand on the back of my neck.

  The kiss was hot, like he’d lit a match inside of me next to a canteen of diesel fuel. I grabbed a hold of him, tasting his lips, fingers digging into his hair. I think he groaned, but I can’t be sure it wasn’t me.

  Finally, after what was only moments but felt like an hour, I pulled back, my skin flushed through and through.

  O’Shea’s eyes were dazed and Alex was grumbling, muttering about stupid kissing boss man.

  “Come on,” the agent said, stepping out of the SUV. “Let’s go.”

  I cleared my throat, and lightly touched my lips. What the hell? My blood was pounding, not unpleasantly, as I started out after him. I suppose if one was going to kick the bucket, one last kiss was in order.

  Walking toward the tattoo shop, I checked my weapons, fingertips brushing against sword butts and my whip handle. Focusing on the kid, I let my Tracking ability guide me to where Ricky lay unconscious. More than that, I blocked what my head was already deeming ‘O’Shea’s Magic Kisses’, as if he were a delectable concoction from the local bakery. Shit.

  I was flushed with warmth and I strode toward the front door of the shop. There were no lights on inside. Alex romped and played in the snow beside me, burying his face and then lifting his head so I could see only his eyes.

  “This is serious, no playing now,” I said, and pulled one sword out from my back sheath. The copper and silver handle was cool against my skin. O’Shea slipped up beside me.

  “Through the back?”

  I nodded and we sidled our way around the building, sticking close to the old brick wall that caught at our clothes like scrubby little fingernails. Alex sort of listened. Beside us, he did an army crawl, but his ass and tail were sticking straight up in the air like a flag.

  O’Shea lifted an eyebrow, and I shrugged. What could I say? Nothing would ever change the werewolf from what he was. Literally.

  We reached the back door with no problems. I put my hand on it, turning the knob, but didn’t open the door. It was unlocked. Sloppy work, but not surprising; I mean, shit, it was a Troll, not a freaking witch or Shaman.

  O’Shea leaned close to me. “What can we expect, going in?”

  Rolling my shoulders, I took a deep breath, the heat from his kiss still singing in my veins. “He’ll try to use the kid against us.”


  “We’ll probably have to put our weapons down and do this bare-handed. And there will be more than just the one-eyed asshole.” I was already seeing the fight in my head, trying to work out the best way to tackle the creep. It could be done.

  “O’Shea,” he looked over at me.

  “Trolls, are tough, as in fighting even when their asses are on fire, but are stupid as a supernatural come.”

  “So kill ‘em fast?”

  “You got it.”

  Alex, ass still straight up in the air, sniffed the bottom of the door, lips rippling back over his teeth. His hackles rose, the hair along his spine standing straight up and a low growl beginning in the back of his throat.

  I put a hand on his shoulders. “Easy, buddy.”

  “Bad Troll.” He snapped out, teeth chattering. “No more meanie.”

  O’Shea shifted his weight. “In or out, we’ve got to move.”

  He was right.

  “Alex, go back and knock on the front door. Hard. Then run back here. Got it?”

  He sat up on his haunches, gave me a salute and galloped off, feet skidding in the snow as he rounded the corner.

  Making eye contact with O’Shea, I didn’t have to tell him anything. We heard the reverberation of Alex’s knocking on the door; waiting ten seconds, we then opened the door and slid into the dim interior of the back room. Dirty linoleum floor, paint peeling off the walls, one flickering bulb overhead. Damn, it was like we’d walked into a true-to-life horror flick. The back room fed into a middle section that looked like a divider between renovations—un-sanded rough-hewn plywood—bled into the front portion of the shop, which was tiled and somewhat clean. At least, compared to the rest of the place.

  O’Shea took the right side. I took the left; both of us with weapons out—swords to be exact. I slid along the wall, listening for the sound of a child. I could feel Ricky in my head, the thrum of his life strong and steady. He was still unconscious, a blessing if I—we—could get him out of here before he woke up. The scent of bleach wafted past my nose and then the scent of shit. Damn. I turned my head just enough to see O’Shea frown, his nose wrinkling.

  Within moments, we’d made our way to the front of the tattoo parlour, checking every crevice, but the place was empty.

  I stood in the center of the room, breathing shallowly. Gods be damned, this place reeked of Trolls. My head spun. Trolls. Shit, if there really was more than one, we were going to have a bloody mess on our hands. Again, I wished we had run the bastard through when we’d dumped him on the side of the road. He’d deserved it—he’d killed a cop—but we’d been in a hurry. A terrible excuse for what was becoming a mistake that could cost more lives.

  The soft click of nails on the linoleum brought my head around. Alex was tiptoeing in, his nose wrinkled up as I wished I could do too, to block the smell.

  “Fuck, this shit is stinky.” He waved a claw in front of his nose.

  O’Shea’s eyebrows climbed. “I think that’s the most complete sentence I’ve ever heard him say.”

  Ignoring them both, I reached for Ricky, let my senses trace him. Eyes half-closed, I followed the feel of him to the middle section, the piece that hadn’t been finished. Standing over it, I laid my hands on the wood, felt the thrum of energy still there. A minor spell, one so small you wouldn’t notice it unless you were looking hard. A spell that disrupted under my touch, my Immunity pulling it apart. Blind Bat Trolls didn’t carry magic; they had to be getting help from someone else. We were in trouble.

  I waved Alex closer. “Can you fit your claws into the edge here?” There was a small lip on the joint between the two walls, invisible until you slid your hand over it. Alex sniffed it, slid his claws along the edge, working them until they were underneath. With a violent jerk, he yanked the whole panel off with a shriek of wood and splinters bursting out everywhere.

  O’Shea went to the opening first. “Are we crossing the Veil?”

  “No, this was hidden by a small spell. Nothing major.” The opening was dark and barely wide enough for a Troll’s body, but there was plenty of room for us. I led the way, blade in front of me.

  The flick of a light behind me spun me around. I clamped my hand over the flashlight O’Shea had produced, keeping my voice as low as I could. “No light.”

  His voice was controlled, but I could hear the anger in it. “We can’t help him if we break our necks.”

  “We can’t help him if we get caught before we get to him,” I said, peering ahead into the dim interior.

  “You don’t think they heard the werewolf ripping off their front door?”

  I snatched the flashlight from him, jammed it in my pocket. Thinks he knows everything. Stupid man. I didn’t want to admit he was probably right.

  Of course, timing was everything. There was a roar from behind us, and what light we had from the murky shop was blocked by a Troll’s body as he squeezed into the opening we’d just passed through. I flicked the flashlight on and pointed it straight at the beast’s eyes, shocking it with the sudden light. The Troll—its flapping, greasy puke green skin shaking with anger—roared again, reaching blindly for us, eyes averted.

  “You’re up,” I yelled at O’Shea.

  The agent spun, slicing through the Troll’s belly, dodging the flailing hands with ease. Troll guts spilled out onto the ground, neon blue and green, the blood a pale orange that glowed under the light. The beast groaned, grabbing at its stomach in vain.

  “The boy is dead,” he spluttered out, dropping to his knees, blood dripping from his gr
inning lips. O’Shea didn’t waste any more time. A second slice of his blade and the Troll’s head rolled from his shoulders, face stuck in a macabre grin.

  “Okay, lights on, let’s go,” I said.

  “He lied?”

  “Yes, they always lie.” Okay, maybe not always, but for the most part, Trolls were liars.

  But, like every rule, there was an exception. One big fucking, messed up exception.


  We wove our way through the timbers of the building, the path obvious with the stink and Troll shit littering the way. Alex did his best to avoid stepping in it, as did we, but the stinking piles were everywhere, smeared like they’d been skating in it for fun. Disgusting creatures.

  It took us ten minutes to make our way through the building before we were faced with a decision. The pathway branched, one taking us to the right, the other taking us to a hole in the ground that was surrounded with bones, shit, and a flapping material that looked like an old, partially shredded bed sheet.

  “Let me guess, the hole,” O’Shea asked, though it wasn’t really a question. Ricky was close, and when I leaned over the hole, the sensation of being right on top of him was overwhelming.

  “You guessed it,” I muttered. “Why is it always the nasty places? Just once, I’d like to end up finding a kid somewhere clean, somewhere not covered in shit or blood.”

  The three of us peered down into the darkness. I handed the flashlight back to O’Shea. “Here.”

  He shone the light from his side. “Nothing, I can’t see anything. It’s as if something is swallowing the light.”

  Oh, that was far too perceptive and he didn’t even know what he was saying. There was one species of Trolls that was worse than the others, and so rare I hadn’t even considered the possibility of running into one. Lighteaters. And they had some ability with magic. That explained the spell on the entranceway. To top it off, they were smart little bastards, not as big as their counterparts, but their brains made up for their lack of size. Son of a bitch, we were in for a fight.